Book Cover Illustration

Illustration for a Book Cover - Book Cover Illustration

Book Cover Illustration

Finished product - Book Cover Illustration

Recently author Ann McAllister Clark approached me about creating a book cover for her new book, "A Bone In Her Teeth". She had found me as a result of the article I have on the site about "Uncle Sam's" by Jay Humphreys. Ann was very taken with the cover and wanted something similar. Book Cover Illustration.

The work was done in Adobe Illustrator and is entirely vector based. I was pleased to have an opportunity to draw a scuba mask since I am enthusiastic about diving. The landscape sets a mood while retaining a stylized art deco feel. The items shown in the illustration insinuate action without literally showing it. This is intended to create intrigue and encourage the viewer to open the book and start reading.

This isn't my first book cover, my first novel cover or my first vector book cover, but somehow it seemed just as exciting to create as all of those things combined. It's great when you can hold on to that enthusiasm through a project and stay in the zone through completion.

I hope you like the illustration and pick up a copy of "A Bone In Her Teeth" by Ann McAllister Clark.