Custom Parking Map
Menu Off the Map:
Custom Parking Map - For this years Palm Beach International Boat Show requirements were a little different for the parking map. This year the map was for web use only and this provided me with an opportunity to make a map that works that much better at just one thing. By moving the menu off of the image you can zoom and pan on the map without having to zoom back out to use the key.
It also makes the key indexable by search engines and that should help search engine optimization. The reader also gets the advantages of a regular HTML web page like being able to enlarge the text. This method also provides my clients the opportunity to apply their own website look and feel, and branding. It keeps me focused on the map and reduces risk I will muddy their brand identity with my own design decisions. You can see it here on my site or see how Informa has used it here.
I did something similar to this once before for the Sunset Harbour Yacht Club you can see on their site. They also had a strictly print version that included the key on the map. It's great to be able to have multiple versions based on usage. If this map is received well perhaps there is ample justification for multiple versions of many of my maps including boat shows.
Different Kind of Look Using GeoData:
Aside from the menu you may also have noticed that this is more of a conventional street map than I usually create. This is the second map I've made using geodata to create a map in a more conventional cartographic fashion. The first was the Area Highlights Map I made for ORA Flagler Village Apartments. Maps with all of these streets and stuff require an outside source for information because just tracing it from somewhere is inefficient and usually inaccurate. The way I am doing this is efficient and accurate. I also put my own look and feel spin on it. I have every intention of also doing the same kind of work that I have always done in the future, but I try to always broaden my horizons and bring something new to the table for my clients.