Proposed Motorsports Park Artwork

Tracks and Facilities Map/Architectural Rendering - Motorsports Park Artwork

Raceway and Motor-Sports Park Map

Motorsports Park Artwork - I recently completed this rendering for a client planning expansion of a motorsports attraction. Very little of what you see presently exists. The yet to be completed areas were created based on rough site plans supplied by the client. What you see is actually a 3D model allowing me to render the facilities and tracks from different angles and at different levels of zoom as needed.

If you are interested in renderings for a development proposal please contact me. Using minimal information and input I can create illustrations that communicate your concept and excite the imagination of your audience. An undeveloped or underdeveloped piece of land can seem like just a little chuck of nowhere without sufficient imagination applied and that is what I do. I apply imagination and vision to a place that is presently a blank canvass. See more of my illustrations including proposal illustrations in my illustration portfolio.

It's important to have great visual aid materials when making a presentation for proposed development. Honestly all the charts and graphs in the world don't hold up to one good illustration. These images are memorable. Like an ear worm they will stick with the viewer after the presentation playing over and over.

Later on I created supplementary illustrations. They filled in the big picture for the client and made his presentation complete.

Illustrated Raceway Map