Florida illustration Service
I want to share some assorted projects that I have recently worked on.

(Photo courtesy of CityStreetz Graphics)
First off is an illustration I did under contract of CityStreetz Graphics in Hollywood, FL. The illustration is for a package design. Gil and Luis at CityStreeetz did the final design work. I don't do a lot of caricature or cartoons, so this makes a nice addition to my portfolio. My rural South Carolina upbringing was a real asset on this project.
Another couple of recent projects were for Hello Junk Removal up in Palm Beach County. These hard working folks wanted some graphics to show their area of operation and give people an idea of the capacity of one of their containers.
If you hadn't already noticed I have also had recent updates to both this botanical gardens map and this theme park map.
I work under the title Escape Key Graphics. I have over twenty years of experience in illustration and graphics. Clients range across multiple industries, states and countries including large corporations and small businesses. Projects include illustration and design of maps, book covers, posters and more.
Escape Key Graphics is based in South Florida but has clients worldwide. Contact me for a quote on your next project.
If you would like to see more about my background please visit my LinkedIn Profile.